Friday, January 20, 2006

social responsibility... small steps

"Ang tao ay maituturing na isang butil ng buhangin lamang kung ihahalintulad sa laki ng mundo... subalit ang mundo ay ga-buhangin din sa lawak ng kalangitan... sino ngayon tayo upang magpalakihan at magpagalingan sa mundong ito?"

Like everyone else, I was not consulted prior to conception. And I can bet all my earthly possessions (which is not much, believe me!) that even my parents were not exactly thinking of me and my destined life while I was being conceived. Why are we here? Why am I here?

I am not a religious person, if being religious is synonymous to regularly attending mass and visiting the church. But I do believe that there is a Creator. And that we do have a purpose for living. For me, that purpose is SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Social Responsibililty... I never realized it, until recently, why I was so interested with social responsibility. I left my job at Syngenta a couple years ago so I can begin my life's journey. Yet I had no idea where and what this journey will lead me into. All I knew then was that I needed to pursue a dream... a life of fulfillment... a life. So here I am, doing social responsibility.

In my own definition, social responsibility is doing your share of preserving and upholding what is right within one's own capacities. Small steps! Smile and bring joy to others. Listen to your friends' and loved one's problems and opinions, and make them feel important. Give a hug and say I love you and how much you care. Say thank you. Greet your neighbors. Plant a tree. Play with your dog. Play fair yet play hard. Smell the flowers and appreciate the wonders of creation. Obey traffic rules. Vote. Count your blessings. Love. Find humour in all places. Do not despair. Social responsibility should not be a high-end solution. It is a simple solution to achieve "high-end" goals. Simple steps... small steps.

And that is why I created this blogsite. Let us all contribute to social responsibility and collectively provide something big for humanity, in what is otherwise a negligible existence on earth compared with its own existence in the universe... in our small ways... in our small steps...

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